Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Old Musty Books - Book Reviews, Commentary and Editorials, Gift ...

Dear Author,

First, let me start with this: I absolutely love being given the opportunity to read your book or short story.? I know that asking someone to read and possibly review your book is a difficult thing to do.? You love the story (or you wouldn?t have written it to conclusion and then published it), but you have no idea if it will actually stand on its own.? Sure, there will be people who love it, but there may be more who don?t. Its a scary conquest you have to undertake to get your book in the hands of readers all over the country/world.? I completely get that.

Because the process of getting your book reviewed can be a bit daunting, I wonder if I may be so bold as to provide a few pointers. Over the last few months, I?ve received many e-books for review, and there are a few things that consistently happen that makes me wonder if people are aware of the missteps they are taking.

E-Book Reviewing
When you are looking through the many book review sites trying to find possible reviewers who will like your book, take note of the type of e-reader they have.? If they talk about their kindle, or nook, or some other version, take note of that.? This is extremely important when you get their acceptance to review your book.? [For the purposes of this post, I'm going to use the Kindle example because that's what I have.]

In the past, sending a normal formatted pdf made from a word document was enough, because reviewers would either choose to read it on their computers, or they?d print it out.? However, with so many people having e-readers, there is another option ? sending the file to their device and reading from any place other than where their computer is.

It is extremely important to realize that if you are going to send a pdf, you need to make sure its formatted for an e-reader; i.e., make sure the font is big enough and readable (font style).? Its best if you take the time to send them a .mobi file (this is for Kindle only).

If you don?t have the ability to send a specific format (and really you do, but may not realize it), then you MUST go back and format your original document (the one the pdf was created from) ? increase your font size and make your font style readable.

I know, I hear you??but Rachel, the Kindle has the ability to increase the font size and change whether you read horizontal or vertical. Also, you?ve talked about how you send pdfs to your kindle for easy reading.?? To which my reply is:

First, when I send a pdf to my Kindle, I always reformat it for my viewing pleasure.? Second, having to scroll across the screen to read your book takes away from the story. If the file is not easy to read, by which I mean, having the ability to just flip from page to page rather than scrolling across pages, I?m going to put it off until I have time to manipulate it for easy-readability.? Two things may happen, its possible I may never get it or I may have put all the work into making it readable, and then really not like your book; and then instead of reviewing the finer points of your story, I?m talking about the disappointments of the book as a whole. (It should be noted, I probably won?t, but other reviewers might.)

This is a change in thinking about how to present books to the ?book blog reviewers? that authors (and frankly, publicists) must make if there is ever to be successful marketing of e-books industry wide.? MUST MUST MUST.? Of course, this requires you to believe in the book review blogger as one of your biggest asset when marketing.

Marketing Your Book
The advent and popularity of e-readers allows for all authors to be published without the overhead of traditional print publishing, and if they want to publish in traditional print formats, they can use programs like CreateSpace.? No longer does an author really have to sift through rejection letters from big publishing houses ? they just don?t. A new author has the ability to go to much smaller presses, who are dying to get good books published with their imprint. Frankly, if one is self-publishing, gone are the days of waiting for a small press will decide whether or not they will publish a new book.? An author really has the ability to do every aspect of the process, from the first word written to the first royalty check collected, themselves with little overhead, and greater return.

Its really important to note that whichever route you choose to go, you seriously are the only one that is going to best market your book.? These days, even marketing your book results in a low overhead.? In reality, your time should be the absolute most expensive part of your marketing venture.

So, what am I talking about? As an example, I?m seeing so many new authors paying other people to put together blog tours for them.? You don?t really need someone else to do this for you. This is completely something you can do yourself, with no financial cost to you (it just takes a little time and planning). When you are looking through all those book blogs for someone to review your book, don?t just offer your book ? offer a guest post; offer an interview; offer a book to giveaway. This gives the reviewer the ability to still showcase your work without having to like your story/book.? THIS IS IMPORTANT.? Many reviewers will not even mention a book they don?t like; however, if they have a guest post from an author, they?ll most likely post it.? The simple reason for this is it creates content for the reviewer without having to write every single day.? Content creates keyword strings which then creates page views.? Some book bloggers use their advertising money to support their reading habit; some book bloggers are stay at home workers who depend on their advertising money to pay the bills here and there.? The more content = the more pageviews = the more ads shown = the more often checks come in.

Okay, so that helps the book blogger, how does it help you, the author?? Well, let?s say instead of a ?bad review? of your book coming up on the first page of a google search, someone runs across five links to your guest posts prior to getting to someone?s bad review of your book in the search engine returns, and likes what you have to say.? You have more of a chance that person will pick up your book based on them liking what you have to say and liking your writing style than by reading bad reviews all over the place (or not finding your book at all, except on a publishers website).? This is especially likely if you don?t just cut and paste guest posts, and send each book blogger a unique post.

Couldn?t you have your own blog where you can write and develop a following?? Yes, certainly? and you should have this too (with today?s technology the overhead for this is no more really than the cost of server space). However, many blogs showcasing your writing style and how you think is better than just one where you are the only person showcasing you; and the inner-connecting network that you?d be developing is great for page ranks in search engines.? A note on your own blog/website: don?t just use it to sell your book ? use it to sell yourself.? The ratio of selling your book vs selling yourself should weigh higher on the selling yourself side.? Remember, you are the expert.? You have written and published a book, so be the expert ? your book has done nothing but sit there and been dressed up. There?s nothing worse than being dressed up with no place to go.? You have to give your book places to go. You have developed characters; you have designed scenery and developed plots; and you?ve known when the end is near and how to make it final.? These are the things that are really going to get your book sold ? not the cover, and probably most certainly not the blurb on the book jacket (ps. please believe that what your book is really about is most likely not reflected on the two paragraph blurb on the back of the book). Your book will be sold because of something you?ve done, not based solely on the book itself. True story. This is probably most true for newer published authors, and those that specifically are self-published or published at small presses.

A word about social network marketing: Join them?but remember, the goal is not to advertise for the social network, the goal is to use the social network to get people to your site and ultimately buy your book.? Keep this in mind.? Really.? To use it effectively, assuming you have a website, set up an rss feed that puts a summary of your posts on the social network and then send people to your site with a read more link ? doing this will cut down on how much time you have to spend posting on every social network. Or if you?d prefer not to do this, when you do a new post on your website or someone else?s, make a quick little blurb on your social network page that says something like ?Check it my post about whatever here (with link to your site).? If you have a post on someone else?s site, you could say ?So and so was kind enough to feature a guest post by me, check it out (with link to the post).?

Again, no one will return if every single post is about selling your book.? You want to write interesting things on your blog to get people to visit once and then come back.? I know this is vaguely contradictory to what the ?experts? say, but trust me ? just having a social networking page for people to go to from your website isn?t effective marketing. Use the social network to advertise for you and your book, not the other way around.? The other thing to remember here is think about who you?ve ?friended.?? If you intend to use the social network to advertise for your product, then make sure your network of ?friends? are actually the market you are hoping to reach? if they aren?t, then you are wasting your time and effort ? if they are not interested in the correlating genre or the process of writing, then chances are, they are not going to buy your book. Think long and hard about where you are going to find your audience (audience is defined as niche market of readers who read the genre of books yours would be classified in).? Maybe GoodReads is better than facebook.? Just a thought.

Editing/Content Review
The last and final thing I want to impress upon you is your need to get an independent editor.? I?m not talking about someone who can make sure your words are spelled correctly and your punctuation is used in the right places.? Find an editor that can go through your story and tell you where the inconsistencies in the plot are; someone who can tell you that there?s no way ?this? could actually physically happen; and someone who can tell you when your characters are out of character.? In this day and age where anyone can be published, having an editor that can bring more than just the spelling and punctuation to your attention prior to publishing is what will set you above and beyond others.? Honestly, if you are self-publishing, this should be your most expensive part of this whole endeavor, next to your expenditure of your own time.? And, you need to be willing to spend it.? (PS.? There are people out there who will recognize you are a not at all able to pay top dollar, will take whatever you can afford (probably with a payment plan) AND will still do a fantastic job for you.? You just have to look and inquire.) You can?t afford to let your story suffer due to technical problems in your writing. Book blog reviewers are a generous bunch and will overlook, for the most part, issues here and there if the story is a good one ? even if they aren?t particularly well versed in your genre.? However, they will not overlook technical plot and character errors if the story is lacking.

I hope I have not overstepped my bounds, dear author.? I simply want you to be as successful as possible.? I want you to be read, and I want your voices to be heard by the masses.

Good luck to you, and may your books be as successful as you hope they will be.


Source: http://www.oldmustybooks.com/editorial/an-open-letter-to-authors/

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Reasons for business online advertising ? paragliding.tk

Any business needs to target prospective clients so that it may sustain in the market. Since efficient marketing is the key factor which can affect your business in positive way, it would be better to look for the same. You can use business online advertising for your business to give a boost to your business and get some good clientele.

Here are some tips which can help you in determining the benefits of this online marketing which can be a boon for your business.

Target audience
The advertisements placed on various advertising websites are based on surveys. These advertising companies know the proper way to target audience and so they place the ads on those websites only which are checked by your prospective clients. This method is much better than newspaper ads or posters as you can reach to the selected clients only and put good impression.

Tracking the response
The best benefit which you can get through business online advertising is that you can easily track the response. If a client has clicked on the advertisement placed on any website, you can easily check the same. This would help you to determine the efficiency and also the best websites which can help you in your business. You can also check the conversation or any note which the client has posted you through the advertisement. Surely, this can help you to improve and make a better image.

Cost factor
Internet is not only the most efficient way of marketing but also cheap. You can post your advertisement on various free advertising websites also. Apart from this, there are some very efficient websites which can provide you this facility on very reasonable prices. You can also ask for discounts and other benefits.

Large audience
These days, everyone is using internet for various queries and information. You can take the benefit and target large audience with very less efforts. If you are planning to go beyond geographical limitations to supply your products and services, internet is the best way to do so. You can easily make a global approach through this type of advertising technique.

Take the best benefits of advertising online and expanding your business to a higher side. There are enough reasons for using this facility for efficient marketing of your products or services. Take the opportunity and target your prospective clients at very reasonable prices and better approach.

Click here to find business online advertising and web ads.

Source: http://paragliding.tk/reasons-for-business-online-advertising/

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Computer Technology Basics You Should Know | Science Wrap

From the beginning of time, man realised that he needed to take stock of his possessions so that you can make informed decisions and be in control of his environment.? His possessions were not a lot of, a number of goats or sheep, a dog, two spears and an axe, maybe several wives and an increasing number of children. Now the only computing equipment at his disposal then was his ten fingers and ten toes, but the word ten, or just one, did not exist in his vocabulary.? He would allocate one finger to every single goat, a single to each and every rabbit he caught, and so on. Now, the fingers and toes allocated on the rabbits and goats were simple to deal with but had their own problems mainly because it was tough to remember which fingers or toes had been used to represent something, and which ones had been nevertheless unallocated.http://www.technologyawards.org/

And as the number of goats increased beyond his ten fingers and his ten toes, he identified himself in a serious computational dilemma. Computer men and women right now call this an overflow ? memory size exceeded. Our resourceful ancient ancestor quickly identified a way around this issue by resorting for the use of sticks and stones to extend the capacity of his computing technique. That turned out to be a stroke of genius simply because which is when rules governing addition and subtraction of digits became clearly defined. When a brand new goat is born, put one more stone towards pile of stones, when a new lamb is born, put a single a lot more stick to the pile of sticks. When the ancestor, or a jackal, ate just one sheep he removed just one stick; and when he decided to eat all his goats, he would throw away all his stones after eating, not before, to avoid confusion. Nothing could be far more elegant. A lot later, mathematicians discovered that they could also use this process and called it addition and subtraction.http://www.technologyawards.org/category/asus

These sticks and stones form the building blocks of a computer as we know it nowadays. The same sticks and stones that our ancestors applied many thousands of years ago are still there, miniaturised and disguised as integrated circuits, inside the contemporary computer. Our ancient man, who applied to shuffle his sticks and stones as he carried out his calculations, is also nevertheless there inside the contemporary computer, reduced to some operating program and application software.

So truly, nothing a lot has changed since the beginning of time, except of course the fact that whereas the sticks and stones technologies was offered for totally free, modern technologies, like everything else, isn?t so free of charge.

Computers plays an important role people?s day to day life particularly at work place, schools and even in home. Twenty very first century has been the age of so many technological advancements aimed for doing the lives of persons greater. Computer helps them turn out to be much more efficient in their work.

Computer technological know-how in banking:

Technology has produced our living simple and comfortable, for instance our banking needs. Previously folks need to maintain the critical information of their consumers manually. But proper now, in just just one click, they would be able to discover all the customers? information instantly. The consumers are able to know about the transactions of their account by logging in for the bank site. Furthermore, it really is feasible to apply for loans via on-line.

Improvements of computer technologies:

Computer technological innovation has improved our life style far far better than just before. Due towards the emergence of net and engineering, the world has shrunk to a global village. Even though the advancement in internet creates new challenges like computer problems and virus threats, the computer technological innovation like antivirus software created easy to overcome these problems.

Computers in food business:

The automation and computerization in food processing units is facing lots of problems if they?re utilised nearby water catastrophic effects on any computer technique. Most food processing units prefer waterproof computers to protect their computer systems from drenching inside the production area.

Computers in medical field:

Hospital is an critical organization and computers are employed for the management of a hospital. The accounting, payroll and stock process from the hospital have been computerized in recent days. We can sustain the record of various medicines, their distribution and use in distinct wards etc. utilizing computer. Even the disease can be diagnosed by entering the symptoms of a patient. Moreover, numerous computerized devices are used in laboratories for diverse tests of blood etc.

Computers in agriculture:

Nowadays agricultural industry is also creating use on the computers. The analysis that was taken some handful of years prior to shows that 44% of the farmers in Ohio are utilizing computers for several purposes. In 1991, only 32% with the farmers were producing use of it. This shows that there is considerable improve from the farmers who are applying computers. As internet becomes the means of communication, most farmers use this technological advancement for transaction processing or for retrieving info. The analysis shows that out with the total farmers who had been surveyed, 80% of them are producing use on the world-wide-web.

Computers in education:

Due on the globalization of education, so numerous problems are posed by the new trends. To be able to face all these challenges, information technological innovation inside education sector is extremely critical. It?s important that the students become familiar with the concept and use of info technological innovation so that you can equip them for future job market. Similarly, the faculty can achieve much better quality in teaching methodology. The computer engineering has developed in quite a few fields. Its drastic development has created an immense impact in almost all the fields and thus leading to a fresh era.

Source: http://sciencewrap.com/2011/05/29/computer-technology-basics-you-should-know/

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Car Insurance Groups | Non Owners Auto Insurance

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Can? s?o?me?o?n?e? ple?as?e? e?x?plain? car in?s?uran?ce? gro?ups? to? me?.?

In?? the U?n??ited? Sta?tes, a?u?to in??su?ra?n??ce cov?erin??g? lia?bility? for in??ju?ries a?n??d? property? d?a?ma?g?e d?on??e to others is compu?lsory? in?? most sta?tes, thou?g?h en??forcemen??t of the req?u?iremen??t v?a?ries from sta?te to sta?te. The sta?te of N??ew Ha?mpshire, for exa?mple, d?oes n??ot req?u?ire motorists to ca?rry? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce (the ba?llpa?rk? mod?el), while in?? V?irg?in??ia? resid?en??ts mu?st pa?y? the sta?te a? $500 a?n??n??u?a?l fee per v?ehicle if they? choose n??ot to bu?y? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce.[4] Pen??a?lties for n??ot pu?rcha?sin??g? a?u?to in??su?ra?n??ce v?a?ry? by? sta?te, bu?t often?? in??v?olv?e a? su?bsta?n??tia?l fin??e, licen??se a?n??d?/or reg?istra?tion?? su?spen??sion?? or rev?oca?tion??, a?s well a?s possible ja?il time in?? some sta?tes. U?su?a?lly?, the min??imu?m req?u?ired? by? la?w is third? pa?rty? in??su?ra?n??ce to protect third? pa?rties a?g?a?in??st the fin??a?n??cia?l con??seq?u?en??ces of loss, d?a?ma?g?e or in??ju?ry? ca?u?sed? by? a? v?ehicle.

Some sta?tes, su?ch a?s N??orth Ca?rolin??a?, req?u?ire tha?t a? d?riv?er hold? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce before a? licen??se ca?n?? be issu?ed?.

A?rizon??a? D?epa?rtmen??t of Tra?n??sporta?tion?? Resea?rch Project Ma?n??a?g?er John?? Semmen??s ha?s recommen??d?ed? tha?t ca?r in??su?rers issu?e licen??se pla?tes, a?n??d? tha?t they? be held? respon??sible for the fu?ll cost of in??ju?ries a?n??d? property? d?a?ma?g?es ca?u?sed? by? their licen??sees u?n??d?er the D?isn??ey?la?n??d? mod?el. Pla?tes wou?ld? expire a?t the en??d? of the in??su?ra?n??ce cov?era?g?e period?, a?n??d? licen??sees wou?ld? n??eed? to retu?rn?? their pla?tes to their in??su?ra?n??ce office in?? ord?er to receiv?e a? refu?n??d? on?? their premiu?ms. V?ehicles d?riv?in??g? withou?t in??su?ra?n??ce wou?ld? thu?s be ea?sy? to spot beca?u?se they? wou?ld? n??ot ha?v?e licen??se pla?tes, or the pla?tes wou?ld? be pa?st the ma?rk?ed? expira?tion?? d?a?te.[5]

[ed?it] Cov?era?g?e lev?els
V?ehicle in??su?ra?n??ce ca?n?? cov?er some or a?ll of the followin??g? items:

The in??su?red? pa?rty?
The in??su?red? v?ehicle
Third? pa?rties (ca?r a?n??d? people)
In?? some Sta?tes cov?era?g?e for in??ju?ries to person??s rid?in??g? in?? the in??su?red? v?ehicle is a?v?a?ila?ble withou?t reg?a?rd? to fa?u?lt in?? the a?u?to a?ccid?en??t (N??o Fa?u?lt A?u?to In??su?ra?n??ce)
D?ifferen??t policies specify? the circu?msta?n??ces u?n??d?er which ea?ch item is cov?ered?. For exa?mple, a? v?ehicle ca?n?? be in??su?red? a?g?a?in??st theft, fire d?a?ma?g?e, or a?ccid?en??t d?a?ma?g?e in??d?epen??d?en??tly?.

[ed?it] Excess
A?n?? excess pa?y?men??t, a?lso k?n??own?? a?s a? d?ed?u?ctible, is the fixed? con??tribu?tion?? y?ou? mu?st pa?y? ea?ch time y?ou?r ca?r is repa?ired? throu?g?h y?ou?r ca?r in??su?ra?n??ce policy?. N??orma?lly? the pa?y?men??t is ma?d?e d?irectly? to the a?ccid?en??t repa?ir ?g?a?ra?g?e? (The term ?g?a?ra?g?e? refers to a?n?? esta?blishmen??t where v?ehicles a?re serv?iced? a?n??d? repa?ired?) when?? y?ou? collect the ca?r. If on??e?s ca?r is d?ecla?red? to be a? ?write off? or ?tota?l loss?(?write off? is common??ly? u?sed? in?? motor in??su?ra?n??ce to d?escribe a? v?ehicle the worth of which is less tha?n?? the cost of repa?ir), the in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y? will d?ed?u?ct the excess a?g?reed? on?? the policy? from the settlemen??t pa?y?men??t it ma?k?es to y?ou?.

If the a?ccid?en??t wa?s the other d?riv?er?s fa?u?lt, a?n??d? this is a?ccepted? by? the third? pa?rty??s in??su?rer, y?ou??ll be a?ble to recla?im y?ou?r excess pa?y?men??t from the other person???s in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?.

[ed?it] Compu?lsory? excess
A? compu?lsory? excess is the min??imu?m excess pa?y?men??t y?ou?r in??su?rer will a?ccept on?? y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce policy?. Min??imu?m excesses v?a?ry? a?ccord?in??g? to y?ou?r person??a?l d?eta?ils, d?riv?in??g? record? a?n??d? in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?.

[ed?it] V?olu?n??ta?ry? excess
In?? ord?er to red?u?ce y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce premiu?m, y?ou? ma?y? offer to pa?y? a? hig?her excess tha?n?? the compu?lsory? excess d?ema?n??d?ed? by? y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?. Y?ou?r v?olu?n??ta?ry? excess is the extra? a?mou?n??t ov?er a?n??d? a?bov?e the compu?lsor

Eli?te I?nsu?rance Grou?p ? Phoeni?x, Ari?zona Au?to & Hom??e I?nsu?rance Agency?

Source: http://nonownersautoinsurance.net/476/car-insurance-groups/

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Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Protect Yourself From Rising Interest Rates|News and ...

Monday, May 30th, 2011 | General

During times of low interest rates, the prices of assets tend to rise. These assets include stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, natural resources, and food. Much of this also has to do with the ever expanding money supply (currency devaluation); thereby, giving the appearance that asset prices are rising AKA inflation. In reality, the money has gone down in value as more saturates the economy. In this article, I will cover the history of America?s interest rates since 1980, stock market, best investments to own during rising interest rates, the best hedges, and ways to protect yourself.

Since the early 1980s, America has enjoyed consistently lower and lower interest rates. In the last decade alone, interest rates reached near zero levels. Most of the stock market rallies we saw in the 80?s, 90?s, and today all were largely thanks to record low interest rates. When interest rates are lower, money is easier to borrow, cheaper to borrow, liquidity is readily available; thereby, fueling fast expansion as businesses can leverage rapid growth not possible without these low interest rates. Also, as interest rates are lower, the money supply is expanded as with each new loan or debt instrument created, the money borrowed never existed before. Thus, the money is created out of thin air, literally. This is inflationary!

However, once inflation starts to rear its ugly head and seems out of control, central banks tend to react by raising interest rates. Higher interest rates can act as a tax on the economy since borrowing costs start to rise considerably. In an economy based on debt, this can slow things down tremendously, and create higher unemployment. On top of this, higher interest rates tend to push home prices down since borrowing costs are considerably higher, and money is harder to get.

With the debt burdened US overdue for a rate hike, the coming hike in interest rates may create higher unemployment, less liquidity, and may put some borrowers affected by the increase in default, or duress. While some pundits like Paul Krugman argue that lower interest rates and more liquidity will help keep unemployment low, it will also drive the deficit higher and higher. Yes, austerity is miserable, and will drive unemployment up even higher than it already is; however, pundits like Krugman seem to have never mentioned when the debt burden becomes too large to pay. The longer America waits to lower the national deficit and raise rates, the worse the consequences will be.

Yes, Krugman is right about the QE1 and QE2 helping to lift the economy and provide emergency liquidity; however, this liquidity will run out, and the debts will have to be repaid. Increasing the deficit to pay debt while monetizing it (printing money to repay the debt) has historically led to severe to hyperinflation, civil unrest (as in Greece), austerity, and even the collapse of empires such as the British Empire, Roman Empire, and Byzantine Empire. Unemployment is down because of the deficit spending, but the large debt burden and interest expenses will destroy the economy in the longer term. America and Japan are perfect examples of economic powerhouses struggling because of too much debt. The longer a country waits, the worse it will be. Right now America is in a position were it will be damned later if it doesn?t stop deficit spending, and damned now if we do. The question is: Are people able to handle 10 -15 years of poor economic growth? In the longer term, a debt free America would be much stronger.

Rising interest rates tend to push asset prices down, especially stocks in the financial sectors, real estate (REIT?s), utilities, longer term bonds (10 years and more), and commodity prices tend to go down as currencies increase in value. This in turn may create deflation; however, in some cases, it may not. When inflation and deflation are happening simultaneously, this is known as stagflation. Rising costs, coupled with high unemployment can be a deadly mixture for the economy.

Stocks that are typically not sensitive to interest rates are usually pharmaceuticals, biotech stocks, and non cyclical consumer staples. Short term treasury bonds are usually safe and easy to buy and sell as rates rise. Of all of the hedges during rising interest rates, higher cash levels are a must. As liquidity dries up, it?s a good idea to have as much cash or cash equivalents as possible on hand. When interest rates are low, and cash is easier to acquire, save it for when liquidity dries up. You will be glad you did as formerly expensive investments become cheap.

During stagflation, dividend paying stocks in sectors not vulnerable to interest rate hikes such as pharmaceuticals and consumer staples can provide decent protection and income, and gold can provide protection from inflation as well.

If you carry a large debt burden from the days of easy money, it is imperative that you pay off any debts that are not on a fixed rate. If any debts have adjustable rates, pay them off immediately. They may be cheap now, but when rates go up, these can push people to bankruptcy.

The most important lesson, as taught to all novice investors, is to not lose money. This means trying ones best to minimize risks, preserve capital (cash on hand), and keep debt burdens manageable and realistic. Keep a well diversified portfolio and as Warren Buffett always emphasizes, keep plenty of cash available for bad times, and for great buying opportunities. Sometimes bad times in the stock market or economy can be mean great bargains and opportunities. Sadly, most people don?t think about this when times are good. ?Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy.? (Warren Buffett).

To recap, we just covered the history of America?s interest rates since 1980, stock market, best investments to own during rising interest rates, the best hedges, and ways to protect yourself. Last, I would like to point out that although I do have experience, extensive education, training, and expertise in this area, I am not a financial advisor. By no means am I recommending any investments, and I do recommend one do their own research, consult with a financial advisor, and beware of all risks when investing. While I do use facts, I am also writing my opinion about what works best from real experience and research. I hope my article gives you some new ideas and has some useful information. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Tags: Interest, Protect, Rates, Rising, Yourself ?

Source: http://news-society.co.cc/how-to-protect-yourself-from-rising-interest-rates/

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Wedding Gowns In Sydney ? What To Know Before You Buy | London ...

Wedding Gowns in Sydney ? What To Know Before You Buy

The tone of the wedding occasion determines what dress should be worn and wedding Gowns in Sydney shops have varied types of bridal dresses for different settings. It is unacceptable for one to wear an informal cocktail dress at a cathedral after all. Similarly, it is wise to dress well for the environment and surroundings you are in.

Customary bridal dresses are invariably long and white in color for those who favor such. More modern dresses are also long but not always white and may have a tail or not. However, the less formal gowns may be midi length if not shorter and are usually accentuated with a hat.

Nobody should be influenced too much by the occasion; instead you should always pick a gown that is suitable for the season and to your comfort. Long warm dresses for the winter and light dresses for the Sydney summer will do well.

However, one must also take into account the time of day the occasion is held. Here, summer dresses should be donned for daytime events while heavy dresses are reserved for the night.

Arranging bridal parties are stressful times for people, so some advice is in order. You must try to keep your weight the same as when your gown was fitted. Similarly, it is wise to wear the shoes you plan to wear with your bridal gown to avoid any unpleasant surprises. In addition, it is smart to practice how to walk and sit in your gown to avoid clumsy accidents.

Fortunately shops that specialize in bridal dresses also have tailors who can customize to your desire inspired by any dress you see in pictures in magazines. Similarly, one can decide to buy the ready-made dresses and instead alter them to their liking.

One may not expect it, but wedding Gowns in Sydney shops have varied bridal dresses. From the latest wedding chic to styles inspired by vintage tones, they are sure to have it.

In order to really get the answers to your question, I highly recommend you go straight to the net?s leading site about this issue here. Go there now!: wedding dresses, wedding dress and Wedding gowns around Melbourne

Source: http://d-london.com/withrelationship/wedding-gowns-in-sydney-what-to-know-before-you-buy/

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Selling A House: Tips to Avoid Concerning Real Estate Agents ...

Think about it ? how would you go about finding a real estate agent? Chances are, you would call a couple new friends or perhaps a sibling to find out what kind of experience they?ve had with any real estate agent they might have used at one time or another. Going with a personal opinion is hardly the right way to go about hiring a professional for perhaps the biggest single deal you will ever get to make in your life.

One good example would be the case of my very own neighbor at a big city in Ohio. When she needed to pick a real estate agent to handle a home sale for her, she just went with a friend of hers who happened to be in the business. At first, she really though that she had a very clever volition with regards to trusting the deal to a friend with whom she thought would?ve never swindled her. At first; they decided to start pricing the house at 0,000. After a couple of weeks, it went down to 5,000, thinking that it would attract more potential buyers. However, weeks have passed on yet no real offers were received. Eventually out of nowhere, luck knocked upon her doorstep, she was able to sell her house on her own, to a family visiting her neighbor who happened to pass by and read the sign at her front yard. They came a-knocking, and sealed the deal a month later. Now ?the friend? that the real estate agent was, she still charged her 6% ? thousands of dollars. Real estate agents are indeed of great help to a lot of people who needs to buy or sell a particular property. Yet, they are barely of help once they put on a 6% claim from the amount paid for your house.

Here is what I would recommend you did instead of running to a real estate agent the minute you decide to sell your house. Try an online real estate company such as you might find on FlatFeeListing in your state. Your home will be listed in a Multiple Listing Service along with Lake Hopatcong homes for sale. At one time, it used to be that these were only accessible to a real estate agent; not anymore. And you don?t pay 6% either ? all you ever do is to make one-time payment of 0. Of course you?ll still owe 3% to the buyer?s agent. Not bad at all isn?t it? You could save a whole lot more. Only remember, you get what you pay for. If you really want to sell your home, pay the fee but get a top flight agent that we recommend. It?s well worth the expense.

If otherwise, you come up with the decision of finding the right real estate agent, here are some quick guides as to how to have a wise choice of agent for you. Never rely on a real estate agent because he or she is a good friend of yours or you?re relative. A good way to find the most prolific real estate agent in your area would be to just drive around and look to see what name appears on most for-sale signs on front yards. Pick ones that you like, and visit them to evaluate how comfortable you are working with them. Make sure that you don?t pick one just because he happens to have much higher quotes for your house than anyone else. He?s probably just trying to dazzle you. The best way by far, is finding a referral agent that we pick for you who are a proven top-producer.

Before you make your final pick, make sure that your real estate agent has been in the business at least 10 years; ask about their personal purchase or sale records in the business, ask them how their quotes usually compare with the price they usually close at, and of course, ask them for their plan for how they believe they will go about selling your house. Don?t rush things out. In time, you?ll definitely get the right choice at the right timing. For a top-flight Lake Hopatcong real estate agent, follow the Hopatcong real estate agent link within this article. If you?re looking to buy or sell Lake Hopatcong homes, from top pre-screened agents, you?ve come to the right place.

Jeztrico Calubay has many interests and he likes writing about them. She also likes online shopping, gardening, interior designing, diet, fitness, travel and photography. He also writes article about Lake Hopatcong homes.

Article from articlesbase.com

Source: http://www.mansfieldpropertymanagement.com/ohio-real-estate/selling-a-house-tips-to-avoid-concerning-real-estate-agents/

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Nokia: iDoalotmore talking about Symbian than a zombie OS deserves

When you've got an OS in the final throes of life, your choices for stimulating interest are a little limited. Having exhausted the usual avenues of introducing pink and gold-plated versions of its older phones, Nokia is now resorting to the mobile industry's standby marketing crutch: poking fun at Apple. Its latest ad campaign in India features the tagline iDoalotmore, which takes a rather overt shot at Apple's iPhone and general tendency to preface its wares with an "i." Sadly, there are no spec-for-spec smackdowns over on the accompanying promo site, but you can learn all about Symbian's excellent features and radically new rounded icons. Or are they iCons now? [Image courtesy of @ceetee]

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/27/nokia-idoalotmore-talking-about-symbian-than-a-zombie-os-deserv/

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Sasquatch 2011: The Radio Dept., Live In Concert

The Radio Dept. performs live at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival.
Enlarge Mito Habe-Evans/NPR

The Radio Dept. performs live at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival.

Mito Habe-Evans/NPR

The Radio Dept. performs live at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival.

Language Advisory: This is a live concert recording, and may not contain language suitable for all audiences.

Listening to the drum machine-driven synth pop of Sweden's The Radio Dept., it can be difficult to picture them playing the lo-fi, hazy shoegaze of their early days. Although they began to incorporate more synthesizers and programmed sounds into their work starting with their second album, 2006's Pet Grief, it seemed like a natural progression. The Radio Dept. may now draw more heavily from '80s New Wave acts than My Bloody Valentine, but singer Johan Duncanson's coolly-detached vocal delivery still adorns dreamy pop songs.

Recorded live at The Gorge on Saturday, May 28, The Radio Dept. plays woozy, gauzy synth pop on the second day of the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival outside Seattle, Wash.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/23/136582132/sasquatch-2011-the-radio-dept-live-in-concert?ft=1&f=1039

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Deadly Twisters Wreaked Havoc

A week of destructive weather has torn up the nation's midsection ? with tornadoes from Texas to Oklahoma City to Joplin, Mo., which a week later continues to dig out from the deadliest twister in more than 60 years. We take a look back at the week and hear from Alabamans still coming to grips with the damage.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NprProgramsATC/~3/mg1tYjIolds/deadly-twisters-wreaked-havoc

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Source: http://www.financialinvestmentadvisor.org/financial-support/getting-to-grips-with-commercial-finance.html

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5 is transport special education, and how to overcome the lies and ...

When services are the parents of a child with autism or a physical disability who receives special education? Your child needs transportation? Do you think that the staff of special schools is not truthful about what the Federal Government Special Education Act (IDEA 2004) says that the transport? 5 In this article we will be lies that are usually given to the parents by public transport to speak known. The discussion about how that overcomeis to ensure your child will receive necessary transportation services.

Lie 1: We can hold the baby on the bus as long as you want. While IDEA 2004 does not on the length of the bus ride, bus rides can be affected long negative impact on a child's education (leading to a negative stress response). The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) said in a policy of anonymous letter (1993) that long bus transfers will be discriminatory and may result in denial of FAPE. Why should along bus ride to be discriminatory? When children with disabilities on the bus longer than children without disabilities, this could be regarded as discrimination.

Lie 2: No one says we have to transport your child, and we do not intend. The transport is a service provider and must be given as a child when they need the service so that they) will receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE.

Lie 3: The Director of Transportation makesDecisions about whether a child needs transportation is not the IEP team. In a document from OSEP Questions and answers on serving children with disabilities were eligible OSEP Transportation "The IEP Team Services is responsible for determining whether traffic needs with the child on disability to be associated with, benefit from special education and to ensure ? If your child needs transportation that your child IEP is connected as a service (assuming Education child ride the bus).

Lie 4: The government says that we are able to bring his son to school 15 minutes late every day, and remove it 15 minutes early because of transportation problems. Set the school in writing all the documents that the right to do what they want to show shows. In the previous example one can ask: "Please show me in writing which states that our State Department of Education is therefore the shortening of the> Education for traffic problems! "
In fact, OSEP document makes up much that the day school for a child with a disability should be longer or shorter school day for students in public schools. As a child receive less training time, this could also be FAPE denial of .

Lie 5: If you want your child to participate in extracurricular activities, so you need transportation, it is not necessary. In reality is IDEA 2004that a child with a disability have the right to transport for activities after school and for extracurricular activities, this request has. Make sure that the extra-curricular activities is listed on the IEP for your child, and need, transportation listed to participate in the activities.

How will you overcome this is the means of transport?

1. Learn more about transportation requirements in IDEA 2004 (which is the federal special education law). I use the bookSpecial Education Law 2nd Edition by Peter Wright and Pam, that's great. http://www.wrightslaw.com: About this book as a defense a lot more to parents can be found at.

2. Call your state Parent Training and Information Center (ptice) for help with advocacy for transportation issues.

3. Bring to help all of the above information to the IEP meeting in your defense.

Good luck in your defense!

Source: http://home-special-education.chailit.com/5-is-transport-special-education-and-how-to-overcome-the-lies-and-your-baby.html

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Autumn Consulting Client Wins Top 10 Business Award

Ruekert-Mielke, a provider of engineering solutions located in Pewaukee, WI, was named one of the 2011 top 10 businesses by the Waukesha County Business Alliance.

Autumn Consulting is one of Ruekert-Mielke?s strategic partners, helping with web marketing, eCommerce, social media, eMarketing, and search engine marketing, as well as with implementing its three strategic marketing pillars: engaging customers, qualifying prospects, and clarifying messages.

The award was based on financial consistency, employee relations and benefits, customer focused commitment and community service involvement.?

All ten winners will be featured in the print and online editions of the Biztimes Milwaukee.? They will also have a shot at being named the Number 1 business of Waukesha County at the June 9 award luncheon at the Country Springs Hotel.

The Waukesha County Chamber of Commerce, which has been called Waukesha County Business Alliance since September of 2010, began awarding business individuals in 1982 and companies in 1997.

For more direction on how Autumn Consulting can help boost your business, contact us.


Source: http://www.autumnconsult.com/features/autumn-consulting-client-wins-top-10-business-award/

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Gov. Perry says he'll consider a run for presidency in 2012 (Houston Chronicle)

AUSTIN -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he will consider running for president
after Legislature adjourns.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Integrating Internet Fax Into Your Business | Communication Skill ...

Using an online fax Moreover uninterrupted Phone calls Seem to be urgent So that they Enduring Around the relentless playing field of Modern day ultra advancing marketplace. Trying to reach the High-speed rate Which often Today?s technology provides, no more Might possibly be times of make use of A telephone Via Generating shopper notifying One which a fax Is regarded as On to The oven?s way. Similarly, went May times of waiting to be exposed Via fax machine On the other instrument Get rid of To check the Strategic Want unfolds safely?and Stating the fax machine is filled with Create Outside space transmission.

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Source: http://www.whatiscommunication.net/communication-skill/integrating-internet-fax-into-your-business.html

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Small Business Marketing Strategies: Triple Your Referrals ...

Small Business Marketing Strategies: Triple Your Referrals through alternative Referral Resources

One of the more vital small business marketing strategies for growing your own practice is to regularly receive referrals from other referral sources. Early in my career, I found it irritating whenever I?d refer clients to other advisors but not receive referrals in return. It became painfully obvious there had to be something I could do to routinely get qualified referrals from other referral sources. So through trial and error, I designed a small business marketing procedure that allows a businessman to produce effective referral sources and generate relationships based on the benefits of mutual marketing. Here?s the way to do it:

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #1: Identify possible referral partner industries.

Many people consider professionals in a similar business as an ideal referral source. Although they?re obvious options, there are many additional professions you can make use of even more effectively because no one else is. For example, business clients always consider CPAs and attorneys, but why not consider psychologists and trainers? The referrals we have obtained in our business via psychologists and coaches have been nothing shy of amazing. Regardless of the service or product your small business markets or sells, think outside the box and detect alternative referral sources you can add to your small business marketing strategies.

Now let your mind wander and make a note of a number of professions your ideal prospect may have an association with. The key is to think outside the box ? and don?t discount any industry. If you get blocked or maybe can?t find a way to get the creativity flowing, find a location to sit down comfortably in which you won?t be interrupted. With your dominant hand, write down the question: ?Who are the best referral sources that will help me to improve my business?? Then, with your non-dominant hand, write a list of all the occupations you can imagine. You?ll be blown away at what you come up with. Once you?ve listed fifty professions, place a star beside those which have been referral sources in the past.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #2: Select referral partner professions.

Examine your list and choose at least five professions you think could be the most profitable and enjoyable to work with. Start with 10 professions within your small business marketing strategy and after that reduce it to the top five.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #3: Obtain 100 ?pros? within your determined professions.

Research the contact material for twenty individuals in each of the five professions you picked as part of your small business marketing strategy. Start out with people you know; check with friends for names or search online. You can also purchase names from a list broker. Don?t forget to create a spreadsheet to track your progress while you get in touch with each professional.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #4: Send out a ?Let?s share referrals? mailer.

Every small business marketing technique needs to have an automated referral and relationship marketing campaign. This strategy can be a letter or even a postcard that describes who you are, what you do and the reason why sharing referrals can benefit the recipient and their clients. Send out the announcements on a monthly basis until three productive referral associates, in each of your five professions, agree to share referrals with you.

If you happen to already have a flourishing practice, finish off each small business marketing mailer with a message asking your possible referral partners to call you. But if your referral goals are more pressing, be more energetic by following up your mailings with a call.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #5: Establish a reciprocal referral mastermind group.

After finding your 15 referral partners, bring them together via phone once a month and in person every three months. Including a referral mastermind group in your small business marketing strategy and plan allows you to produce serious, highly effective relationships.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #6: Take care of every referral.

When you supply referrals to all your small business referral partners and are given referrals from them, it?s critical to have a very good procedure that recognizes the value of those referrals. Whenever I give somebody a referral, I contact my referral partner and provide them with the client?s name as well as a summary of their circumstance. Then I send out a ?This referral is for you? card. I compliment this with a three-way introductory meeting with the referral and the referral partner.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #7: Develop a follow-up system.

One of the most significant parts of your small business marketing strategy is follow-up! And most small businesses, consultants and advisors fail miserably when it comes to follow-up. Every quarter, get in touch with your referral partners individually to examine referrals supplied and received and to go over ways to better assist one another.

Small Business Marketing Strategy: Step #8: Speed up the process.

One of the least difficult steps in your small business marketing strategy is to speed up your approach, both offline and online. The good news is the fact that with today?s technology, it?s cheap!

For more than ten years, our office mailed my ?Let?s share referrals? mailers, ?This referral is perfect for you? cards, thank-you notes and also other written communications manually. It was high-priced and also time-consuming-costing myself an average of around $50,000-$70,000 per year for staff as well as the price of the mailers-but now I utilize a system that takes most of the time, effort and expense away from the picture. This opens me up to finish the HVFDAs, high-value fixed daily activities, that are important to the continuing progress and achievement regarding my company.

Follow these steps and then don?t be surprised if your referrals triple because of your new referral partners.

To attend a call and learn how to create a small business marketing strategy so that you can obtain more referrals, sign-up at http://milliondollarfollowupsystem.com.

To attend a free marketing webinar go to MillionDollarMarketingSystem. Small business owners and consultants go to, http://MillionDollarMarketingPractices.com. She can be reached at Questions@MillionaireSeries.com.

Source: http://diarist.com/166957/small-business-marketing-strategies-triple-your-referrals

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The Wasted Vigil Reviews | WillCry: Mystery & Thriller Book Reviews

The Wasted Vigil Reviews
The Wasted Vigil info and reviews

The author of Maps for Lost Lovers gives us a new novel?at once lyrical and blistering?about war in our time, told through the lives of five people who come together in post-9/11 Afghanistan.

Marcus, an English doctor whose progressive, outspoken Afghani wife was murdered by the Taliban, opens his home?itself an eerily beautiful monument to his losses?to the others: Lara, from St. Petersburg, looking for evidence of her soldier brother who disappeared decades before during the Soviet invasion; David, an American, a former spy who has seen his ideals turned inside out during his twenty-five years in Afghanistan; Casa, a young Afghani whose hatred of the West plunges him into the depths of zealotry; and James, the Special Forces soldier in whom David sees a dangerous revival of the unquestioning notions of right and wrong that he himself once held.

In mesmerizing prose, Nadeem Aslam reveals the complex ties?of love and desperation, pain and salvation, madness and (More?)

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Source: http://www.willcry.com/05/50/the-wasted-vigil-reviews.html

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