Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Focus on the Family Community: Relationships and Marriage: If ...

Hi Kate,


Psalm 51 says:


3For I know my transgressions,
???????? And my sin is ever before me.

4Against You, You only, I have sinned
???????? And done what is evil in Your sight,
???????? So that You are justified when You speak

???????? And blameless when You judge.

5Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
???????? And in sin my mother conceived me.


Because Adam sinned, we, his children, are born tainted by sin.? Although we are made in the image of God, much has been twisted through sin and Satan?s deceptions.? In Genesis 2, we read that God created marriage before sin entered the world.? So, monogamy is "normal" or "natural" for man in his sinless state.? Yet, the sinful nature that we are born with desires that which is harmful to us.? Just as a young child will take another child's toy, pushing him to the ground, we adults want to indulge our senses at the expense of others.


It doesn't help that we live in a very me-centered and selfish culture, that uses man's tendencies for lust as an opportunity for successful advertising or increasing popularity of a TV show.? The culture tells us that lust is ok for married men, and that we're just being "normal."? In reality, we are being fed a lie from Satan himself?that God?s plan of marriage and fidelity is not as good as sleeping around.? God loves us and has created a beautiful world for our pleasure and his glory.? Life-long relationships between man and wife bring security and fulfillment that no other relationship can.? They create loving households for kids to grow up securely in.? This is God?s plan, this is what He made us for, and this is the best and most wonderful way to live.? Anyone who says that another way is better is either deceived or is trying to deceive you.


Perhaps your pastor was simply saying that in his sinful state, man is not wired for monogamy.? This is true, as sinful man can never understand the truth and beauty of the things of God.? But once one comes to faith in Christ, turning from sin and trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior, God will work the man?s heart to reject the lies of the Devil, to see the foolishness of jumping from one woman to the next, and to grow in faith and Christ-likeness.


I'm glad to hear that your husband is working through these issues, and has begun rebelling against the culture.? It is vital that he is vigilant--every day he will be assaulted with enticing ads on TV, movies, or simply a young woman jogging down the street.? Each day he must fight these small battles, choose to look away, and swim against the current.


Two great weapons are at his disposal.? First, God's Word.? The Bible is very clear about what living for God looks like and what marriage is.? Let him find strength in the Word through the Hold Spirit.? Secondly, by surrounding himself with other godly men facing the same assaults from the culture, he can be encouraged and begin to define a new "normal."? God has built us for community, and strengthens us through each other.? I will be praying for your family, God bless you.


In Christ,



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