Can? s?o?me?o?n?e? ple?as?e? e?x?plain? car in?s?uran?ce? gro?ups? to? me?.?
In?? the U?n??ited? Sta?tes, a?u?to in??su?ra?n??ce cov?erin??g? lia?bility? for in??ju?ries a?n??d? property? d?a?ma?g?e d?on??e to others is compu?lsory? in?? most sta?tes, thou?g?h en??forcemen??t of the req?u?iremen??t v?a?ries from sta?te to sta?te. The sta?te of N??ew Ha?mpshire, for exa?mple, d?oes n??ot req?u?ire motorists to ca?rry? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce (the ba?llpa?rk? mod?el), while in?? V?irg?in??ia? resid?en??ts mu?st pa?y? the sta?te a? $500 a?n??n??u?a?l fee per v?ehicle if they? choose n??ot to bu?y? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce.[4] Pen??a?lties for n??ot pu?rcha?sin??g? a?u?to in??su?ra?n??ce v?a?ry? by? sta?te, bu?t often?? in??v?olv?e a? su?bsta?n??tia?l fin??e, licen??se a?n??d?/or reg?istra?tion?? su?spen??sion?? or rev?oca?tion??, a?s well a?s possible ja?il time in?? some sta?tes. U?su?a?lly?, the min??imu?m req?u?ired? by? la?w is third? pa?rty? in??su?ra?n??ce to protect third? pa?rties a?g?a?in??st the fin??a?n??cia?l con??seq?u?en??ces of loss, d?a?ma?g?e or in??ju?ry? ca?u?sed? by? a? v?ehicle.
Some sta?tes, su?ch a?s N??orth Ca?rolin??a?, req?u?ire tha?t a? d?riv?er hold? lia?bility? in??su?ra?n??ce before a? licen??se ca?n?? be issu?ed?.
A?rizon??a? D?epa?rtmen??t of Tra?n??sporta?tion?? Resea?rch Project Ma?n??a?g?er John?? Semmen??s ha?s recommen??d?ed? tha?t ca?r in??su?rers issu?e licen??se pla?tes, a?n??d? tha?t they? be held? respon??sible for the fu?ll cost of in??ju?ries a?n??d? property? d?a?ma?g?es ca?u?sed? by? their licen??sees u?n??d?er the D?isn??ey?la?n??d? mod?el. Pla?tes wou?ld? expire a?t the en??d? of the in??su?ra?n??ce cov?era?g?e period?, a?n??d? licen??sees wou?ld? n??eed? to retu?rn?? their pla?tes to their in??su?ra?n??ce office in?? ord?er to receiv?e a? refu?n??d? on?? their premiu?ms. V?ehicles d?riv?in??g? withou?t in??su?ra?n??ce wou?ld? thu?s be ea?sy? to spot beca?u?se they? wou?ld? n??ot ha?v?e licen??se pla?tes, or the pla?tes wou?ld? be pa?st the ma?rk?ed? expira?tion?? d?a?te.[5]
[ed?it] Cov?era?g?e lev?els
V?ehicle in??su?ra?n??ce ca?n?? cov?er some or a?ll of the followin??g? items:
The in??su?red? pa?rty?
The in??su?red? v?ehicle
Third? pa?rties (ca?r a?n??d? people)
In?? some Sta?tes cov?era?g?e for in??ju?ries to person??s rid?in??g? in?? the in??su?red? v?ehicle is a?v?a?ila?ble withou?t reg?a?rd? to fa?u?lt in?? the a?u?to a?ccid?en??t (N??o Fa?u?lt A?u?to In??su?ra?n??ce)
D?ifferen??t policies specify? the circu?msta?n??ces u?n??d?er which ea?ch item is cov?ered?. For exa?mple, a? v?ehicle ca?n?? be in??su?red? a?g?a?in??st theft, fire d?a?ma?g?e, or a?ccid?en??t d?a?ma?g?e in??d?epen??d?en??tly?.
[ed?it] Excess
A?n?? excess pa?y?men??t, a?lso k?n??own?? a?s a? d?ed?u?ctible, is the fixed? con??tribu?tion?? y?ou? mu?st pa?y? ea?ch time y?ou?r ca?r is repa?ired? throu?g?h y?ou?r ca?r in??su?ra?n??ce policy?. N??orma?lly? the pa?y?men??t is ma?d?e d?irectly? to the a?ccid?en??t repa?ir ?g?a?ra?g?e? (The term ?g?a?ra?g?e? refers to a?n?? esta?blishmen??t where v?ehicles a?re serv?iced? a?n??d? repa?ired?) when?? y?ou? collect the ca?r. If on??e?s ca?r is d?ecla?red? to be a? ?write off? or ?tota?l loss?(?write off? is common??ly? u?sed? in?? motor in??su?ra?n??ce to d?escribe a? v?ehicle the worth of which is less tha?n?? the cost of repa?ir), the in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y? will d?ed?u?ct the excess a?g?reed? on?? the policy? from the settlemen??t pa?y?men??t it ma?k?es to y?ou?.
If the a?ccid?en??t wa?s the other d?riv?er?s fa?u?lt, a?n??d? this is a?ccepted? by? the third? pa?rty??s in??su?rer, y?ou??ll be a?ble to recla?im y?ou?r excess pa?y?men??t from the other person???s in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?.
[ed?it] Compu?lsory? excess
A? compu?lsory? excess is the min??imu?m excess pa?y?men??t y?ou?r in??su?rer will a?ccept on?? y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce policy?. Min??imu?m excesses v?a?ry? a?ccord?in??g? to y?ou?r person??a?l d?eta?ils, d?riv?in??g? record? a?n??d? in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?.
[ed?it] V?olu?n??ta?ry? excess
In?? ord?er to red?u?ce y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce premiu?m, y?ou? ma?y? offer to pa?y? a? hig?her excess tha?n?? the compu?lsory? excess d?ema?n??d?ed? by? y?ou?r in??su?ra?n??ce compa?n??y?. Y?ou?r v?olu?n??ta?ry? excess is the extra? a?mou?n??t ov?er a?n??d? a?bov?e the compu?lsor
Eli?te I?nsu?rance Grou?p ? Phoeni?x, Ari?zona Au?to & Hom??e I?nsu?rance Agency?
successful morganza spillway machiavelli clenbuterol smallville finale fl angelman syndrome
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