Sunday, May 29, 2011

5 is transport special education, and how to overcome the lies and ...

When services are the parents of a child with autism or a physical disability who receives special education? Your child needs transportation? Do you think that the staff of special schools is not truthful about what the Federal Government Special Education Act (IDEA 2004) says that the transport? 5 In this article we will be lies that are usually given to the parents by public transport to speak known. The discussion about how that overcomeis to ensure your child will receive necessary transportation services.

Lie 1: We can hold the baby on the bus as long as you want. While IDEA 2004 does not on the length of the bus ride, bus rides can be affected long negative impact on a child's education (leading to a negative stress response). The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) said in a policy of anonymous letter (1993) that long bus transfers will be discriminatory and may result in denial of FAPE. Why should along bus ride to be discriminatory? When children with disabilities on the bus longer than children without disabilities, this could be regarded as discrimination.

Lie 2: No one says we have to transport your child, and we do not intend. The transport is a service provider and must be given as a child when they need the service so that they) will receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE.

Lie 3: The Director of Transportation makesDecisions about whether a child needs transportation is not the IEP team. In a document from OSEP Questions and answers on serving children with disabilities were eligible OSEP Transportation "The IEP Team Services is responsible for determining whether traffic needs with the child on disability to be associated with, benefit from special education and to ensure ? If your child needs transportation that your child IEP is connected as a service (assuming Education child ride the bus).

Lie 4: The government says that we are able to bring his son to school 15 minutes late every day, and remove it 15 minutes early because of transportation problems. Set the school in writing all the documents that the right to do what they want to show shows. In the previous example one can ask: "Please show me in writing which states that our State Department of Education is therefore the shortening of the> Education for traffic problems! "
In fact, OSEP document makes up much that the day school for a child with a disability should be longer or shorter school day for students in public schools. As a child receive less training time, this could also be FAPE denial of .

Lie 5: If you want your child to participate in extracurricular activities, so you need transportation, it is not necessary. In reality is IDEA 2004that a child with a disability have the right to transport for activities after school and for extracurricular activities, this request has. Make sure that the extra-curricular activities is listed on the IEP for your child, and need, transportation listed to participate in the activities.

How will you overcome this is the means of transport?

1. Learn more about transportation requirements in IDEA 2004 (which is the federal special education law). I use the bookSpecial Education Law 2nd Edition by Peter Wright and Pam, that's great. About this book as a defense a lot more to parents can be found at.

2. Call your state Parent Training and Information Center (ptice) for help with advocacy for transportation issues.

3. Bring to help all of the above information to the IEP meeting in your defense.

Good luck in your defense!


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